The Department of Nursing Services, Army Command and NAOWA Hospital operates under the Clinical Services which is headed by the Chief Clinician. All the activities of Nursing department are reported to the Chief Nursing Superintendent (CNS) and then to the Chief Medical Director (CMD).
Nursing Services provides safe, acceptable, effective and high-quality health services to military personnel and their families, civilians and communities. The aims of the department are to:
- Show a high sense of responsibility and commitment to the care of patients and to the nursing profession.
- Recognize and appreciate individual differences in behaviour that may
influence each patient’s care.
- Utilize the nursing process and other models of nursing care to identify
and respond to the health needs of individuals and groups, and assist them to adapt to stress.
- Increase research awareness among nurses and provide a focus for the
development and maintenance of high professional standard in nursing.
- Participate in both nursing and inter-disciplinary research in order to
increase nursing knowledge base and improve health practice.
- Show acceptability and responsibility for personal growth and professional development.
- Work effectively in collaboration with other members of the health team
by sharing information and participate in inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral activities.
To be a leading military provider of quality nursing services in the Nigeria Army.
The Department of Nursing Services in line with the mission and vision of the hospital is committed to rendering patients’ care. These include promotion of health, prevention of illness, care of the ill, disabled or terminally ill patients; patients’ advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, formulation and implementation of health-related nursing policy and participation in patients’ health system management.
All Nurse Managers, Nursing staff and support staff are responsible for the implementation of the quality assurance policy. The quality assurance team also referred to as monitoring and evaluation is responsible for assessment of workforce, equipment, service delivery and welfare.
Other responsibilities include environmental safety, lighting in patient care areas, waste management, infection control, sanitation and effective therapeutic communication.
The Department of Nursing Services has mainly Nurses with specialty in all clinical discipline, Health Assistants, Porters, Community Health Officers, Community Health Technicians, CSSD, Plaster of Paris and Anaesthetics Technicians. The department has a total of sixty nine registered nurses in all the available clinical specialties can Postgraduate College of Nurses and Midwives (WAPCNM). The Department also engages in on-the-job training for Nurses, Youth Corps members (Nurses) and non-nursing students on rotation for clinical nursing experience.
The Nursing Department operates specialized Nursing care in all the available clinical discipline in the hospital, Holistic Nursing Education, and patient friendly environment without discrimination using highly skilled and motivated staff. The department observes the core values of integrity, diligence, empathy, excellence and loyalty.
The Department of Nursing Services is committed to policies and precautions that work to limit hazards, accidents and other kinds of harm in work environment such as exposure to infections, chemical hazards, biological hazards and physical handling of patients. Measures in place to prevent, eliminate or reduce hazard and its risk at the work place includes:
- Muster points
- Adequate lighting
- Caution signs
- Exit points and direction for evacuation and emergencies
- Fire alarms
- Fire extinguishers
- Security out post
- Reporting system of hazards.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g. Goggles, Boots, Gowns, Masks
- Health insurance policy for staff.
- Staff Vaccination e.g. against hepatitis and Covid-19.
- Environmental safety e.g. general cleanliness of the environment, routine
- Fumigation.