Medical Laboratory


The medical laboratory department is the diagnostic mitochondrion of the hospital with licensed and competent medical laboratory scientists and technicians who performs the daily laboratory testing.

We take our quality control, methods and equipment comparability testing with reference laboratories seriously enabling the Laboratory to produce reliable test results.


This department conducts biochemical analysis on patient’s body fluids or samples. These analyses includes renal function test, liver function test, lipid profile, hormonal assay, D-dimer, amylase, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, uric acid, HBA1c etc

This department examines patient’s blood constituents (Plasma and blood cells) for abnormalities. Examinations performed include FBC and differentials, HGB, PCV, ESR, Reticulocyte count, Genotype, Bleeding Time, Clotting Time, PT, PTTK, Clotting Profile (PT/PTTK/INR).

Bacteriology and parasitological investigations are performed here. These investigations include Urine M/C/S, Urinalysis, HVS M/C/S, ECS M/C/S, CSF M/C/S, Stool, Wound, Swab, Urethral and Sputum M/C/S, Blood Culture, Blood Film for Microfilaria, Skin snip for Microfilaria, MP, SFA, semen M/C/S, Widal test, Faecal Occult Blood, H. Pylori, mantoux test etc.

Serological testing such as blood grouping & cross matching, HBV, HCV, VDRL, Retroviral Screening/Confirmation, indirect combs test, direct comb test, HBsAg profile, blood banking and blood transfusion services are performed in this department.

This department handles the histological and cytological examination of abnormal and diseased tissues. Hygienic storage of human corpses in our modern morgue awaiting autopsy or burial is also performed.


  • Audicom ISE Analyser
  • PKL 125 Complete Chemistry Analyser
  • DYMIND DF 52 Five parts Haematology Analyser
  • Electrophoresis Machine
  • Semen Analyser
  • LED Microscopes
  • Anaerobic Jar
  • Fluorecare Hormonal Assay Analyser
  • Water Distiller
  • Incubator
  • Digital Electronic Weighing Balance
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Digital Haematocrit Machine
  • Autoclave
  • Blood Bank

For more enquires and laboratory consulting please contact

Major CD Nwabotu


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