
A list of all our Departments


The Admin dept. is the engine room of the hospital. It has sub-departments (units) under it namely: Human Resource Department, Account Department, Public Relations/Marketing Department and ICT Department. These units are responsible for the day to day running of administrative works of the hospital. It coordinates staff hiring, staff welfare, staff training, materials management, financial management and marketing services among others.


The Surgery Department is responsible for care of emergency and elective surgical treatment of clients of the hospital.


We are a client-focused expert, dedicated to optimising, improving, and maintaining physical function using exercise and other techniques. We help to treat people with physical problems caused by illness, injury, and disability from aging. We help to promote good health and advice people on how to prevent injury. We help to maximise movement potentials.

Internal Medicine

Our activities include In-patient and out-patient care, which is both preventive and curative. We render all strata of cardio-vascular risk quantification, mitigation and dangerous outcome damage control. We also offer wellness clinics aimed at people that are not “sick”. We are equally capable of providing eco-cardiography, electro-cardiography, renal function assessment, metabolic evaluation and management of all internal medicine emergencies.

Family Medicine

The family medicine department of ACNHA is manned by a consultant family physician and experienced medical officers. It serves as the point of first contact for patients reporting to the hospital. We give holistic care to our patients using the biopsychosocial model of care. We also run wellness clinics for health promotion, prevention and early detection of diseases and or complications of chronic illnesses.


We offer specialist care in all aspects of paediatrics to children aged 0-18years. Our goal is to provide high quality professional care to our children in a child friendly environment. We offer primary care in general paediatrics and adolescent medicine as well as secondary care in paediatrics and neonatology.


The Army Command and NAOWA Hospital Abuja (ACNHA) was commissioned on March 26, 2020 and began offering services to the public immediately. Radiology service being an essential and integral part of the hospital kick-started services and attended to her first patient, a female same day on 26/3/2020.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)

ACNHA Obstetrics and Gynaecology department deals with the diagnosis and management of women in the area of reproductive health and diseases including but not limited to maternal and foetal medicine, gynaecological oncology, ungynaecology pathology of the genitounary and tract, reproductive endocrinology and infertility and prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS.

ENT (Ear Nose and Throat)

ENT department is responsible for treating conditions that affect senses such as hearing and balance disorders, smell and taste problems.

Medical Laboratory

ACNHA Laboratory department provides medical laboratory testing services on clinical samples from both in and out-patients to aid in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients. The laboratory specialty area of testing services includes Clinical Chemistry, Medical Microbiology, Haematology, Serology, Blood Banking and Histopathology.

Dental Services

At our dental clinic, we offer world class services at improving your oral health and giving you a healthy sparkling smile. Our services include dental checkups, general dental treatment, crowns and bridges, dentures, tooth colour, filling, extractions. Implants, braces, cosmetics dentistry and so much more.

Eye Clinic

The Eye Clinic is a fully equipped Ultra-modern center which offers a full range of eye health services: comprehensive eye exams & vision tests, diagnosis, treatment, management of eye and vision related conditions and much more.


We ensure quality professional services to all our clients, we are pharmaceutical care oriented. Our department is accessible round the clock. We ensure quality and cost effective medication and hospital accessories for all our clients. We guarantee proper counselling and follow-up to ensure we get the optimal therapeutic outcome for our clients.

Public Health

Public Health Department is a unique arm of the hospital that is centred on art of disease prevention, promoting and improving quality of life through organized systematic efforts.

Nutrition and Dietetics Department

Our Nutrition and Dietetics Department consists of registered Dietitians and Dietetic Assistants who work collaboratively with patients, healthcare staff and the general public to promote optimal health and wellbeing.


Nurses are the front liners of health care in Army Command and NAOWA Hospital, we provide hands on care for the patients and collaborate with other health care practitioners to aid patient recovery. Nurses are the nucleus of the hospital and our roles include; Admitting of patients, advocating for health and wellbeing of patients, educate patients about management of illness, administration of prescribed medication and treatments and ensure safety of patients.